Let Food be Thy Medicine

I wanted to share how disappointed I am in the CDC and NIH. Aren’t they suppose to protect us and inform us on health? The CDC has over 50,000 employees and all they can come up with is masks after over a year? The NIH has over a 46 billion budget and I can not seem to find one study they have done of the efficacy of masks? Hey, I want my money back!

I was told that “you don’t want to be that guy” who is an annoyance, bring attention to myself, makes trouble. “This guy” is trying to do his job by showing Risk of Liability. “Guys or Gals like me” are the ones who think, who innovate, who question the status quo, who test and initiate growth. Am I wrong?

I would also like to bring up that wearing masks damages communication and confidence. The evolution of our brains, the most primitive part of our brains looks for facial expressions and ques and we are constantly rank ordering or looking for approval. This is partially subconscious, but the fact is masks devolve communication, it does not strengthen confidence. Something to think about.

I will not go far into this, but this also brings up all of the negative aspects of wearing a mask. I ask again, was a true risk/ benefit analysis done of all the pros and cons or wearing a mask,? Why has there been a rise in anxiety, depression, suicide? Contributive? Are these conditions better or worse than covering your face with a diaper? Does it add other risk in health and safety?

The worst thing about this mandate is that it will further the divide. Is division in society this apparent healthy for a society? Is the constituent view of a divide or instability (flip flop on policy) in government agencies healthy? How can WE be part of the recovery and healing of this horrible divide we have experienced?

Why in over a year are we still dealing with the superficial fix with the mask? Why have we not gotten, with our health advisors, further into root cause solution? I am just an Safety and Health guy who has been trying to communicate root cause solution for community health since way before covid…

The Heart of the Problem with this policy on “Masks are mandatory, Wear a Mask”:

  • “Masks are mandatory, Wear a Mask” is not a protocol or safety standard.

    • Short story on PPE application- . So a standard PPE application could be all man-up forklifts operators have to wear “Fall Protection” . If we had this standard only, this is like saying “wear a mask”. Instead a safety standard for the man-up’s can be that “All man-up operators need to wear an Self Retracting Lanyard and be properly trained in fall protection”. The reason for this is because if a Person fell 14 feet from a man-up forklift with the basic straight lanyard, they would for sure hit the ground before the straight lanyard would reach full deployment.

      So a proper safety standard equivalent to “self-retracting lanyards” would be every Person would have to wear a FITTED N95 masks and change out every 30 min, per manufactures recommendation and how the PPE was designed to protect… Any mask will be saturated with biota, virus and other microbes within 30 min. Paper or cloth masks were not designed or manufactured to protect against virus. The current application of mass masks mandates will cause more exposure and more health risk to the Partners, Reference- Spanish Flu Study and PowerPoint attached. These are facts not opinions.

  • Therefore by mandating masks and not following a protocol or safety standard, is admitting to not following a solid safety and health protection plan. This is Safety 101. 

A Potential Solid Safety and Health Protocol:

We should embrace “Let Food be Thy Medicine”, how can we be a catalyst to the future of food and health in Texas! How can we move towards Root Cause Solution? This protocol goes above and beyond the protection of a vaccine. There can be another variant or another super bug come along and the vaccine is obsolete. Would we shut down again and go into utter economic and social destruction? This protocol addresses overall health.

Natural food and health practices do not have side effects like manufactured “protection”. Nothing is 100% preventive but practicing ALL prevention practices increases probability to avoid disease.

There is a ton more proven “Science” in health here than “wear a mask” recommendation from CDC… Masks do not promote health.


  • Offer an education and protection program (Mask should be optional and voluntary too as it was)

    • Basic- send out a pack of- Zinc and Quercetin, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C, multivitamin or product with phytonutrients. (Correct me if I am wrong, but sever cases and fatalities had a consistent deficiency in these?) Getting to root cause is identifying common deficiencies or commonalities in cases.

    • Research best protocol to repair shikimate pathway from the spike protein damage to cell and clotting aspect.

    • Optional- People choose their “RIGHT TO TRY” to request treatment with proven FDA approved therapeutic treatments and medicines. (again I ask why have these proven lifesaving drugs been suppressed?) Have countries, hospitals, and medical groups signed contracts with vaccine companies, stating if other proven treatments came along, they could not break contract? Humm?

    • Optional Education on- (I know, I know you can’t make people be healthy, but we can make them wear a mask?)

      • Eat for nutrition not calories or macro (focus on vitamins minerals, a phytonutrients) This is what strengthens the cells and in turn innate immunity, the “oil” that makes our body machine function better. Viruses is not what gets people sick, cell integrity, the level of deficiencies and toxins in the system is how people get sick. This is why some people get sick and some people don’t (like me, I last had the flu in 1999, the worst I have ever been sick, the last time I took the flu vaccine. Since then I have not been sick for more than a day or two. For covid, I felt “off” for half a day in February 2020. I went home, took my nutrition, slept for 14 hours and was good as new the next day. I have had high exposure the whole time, never stopped coming to work with 500 people a day, the “medic” who everyone comes to who is sick {before temp checks and protocols}, never stopped going out, only wore a mask when I “had” to)

      • Eating more whole foods- at least two servings of each of the 5 colors of fruits and vegetables (phytonutrients), eat at least twice the servings of vegetables on your plate than anything else on the plate.

      • Eating less processed foods, sugars and empty carbs. All of these promote inflammation in our body, inflammation is the root cause of most all disease and lower immune response. Am I wrong?

      • Get at least 30 min – 1 hour of sun without sunscreen. Sun and Vitamin D is the best mask that kills the virus.

      • Exercise or activity 30min- 1 hour a day 5-6 days a week. Breathing exercises to strengthen the lungs for potential upper respiratory virus.

      • Lower stress, promote confidence and not fear. (Fear has been the number one virus during this time and made all this much much worse that it had to be)
        Reporting just cases day in and day out is like me just saying “we had 10 injuries last week”. VS getting root cause and commonalities in cases to prevent further incidents. More information is better, just reporting cases is propaganda of fear…

      • Drink at least a gallon of water a day, if possible more alkaline filtered water. Eliminate or reduce alcohol consumption and other toxins.

      • Get enough rest 6-8 hours a sleep a night. Try to at least wake up at a consistent hour, this balances circadian rhythms.

      • Get exposure to as many different environments as possible, this increases the diversity in our microbiome (The health of our microbiome can be linked to all disease or absence of disease.) Sanitizing everything, will kill bad bugs sure, but it will also kill the good bugs. The good bugs make up about 80% or our human living organism, we are actually more microbe than human cells by sum trillions. If we kill all the good bugs, this will lower innate immunity, and promote disease. When you read on a bottle of sanitizer and it says “Kills 99.9% of bacteria” do you think the .1% is good bugs or bad bugs? Sanitizers are also an added toxin and potential carcinogen if used in excess, not promoting health.

      • Everyone should get full blood tests and physicals- to identify deficiencies and toxins. The PCR test have been proven to be faulty with mostly false positives. Also the sterilization product (Ethyl Oxide) is a know carcinogenic. A full blood test and physical would identify ALL health issues, not just covid.

      • Based on the above findings, create and individual a health improvement plan for each person. In cases of people getting physicals, have saved and extended multiple lives for example identifying High Blood Pressure in Partners. This can save and extend many lives way beyond the scope of Covid.

 If you would like to learn more about health, safety, and nutrition contact me at nicktotheplus@gmail.com