
Keep your Resolutions Going

How are you doing on your Resolutions? We are now almost a month into the New Year, about 40% of you set goals or resolutions for the year, about 40% of those people will be successful at six months.

How are you doing? Are you one of the 40%?

Did you set SMART Goals? S-Specific, M- Measurable, A- Attainable, R- Realistic, T- Timely

Did you focus on just one thing that is most important or did you pick a bunch?

Did you have a plan going in and did you find the simplest, smallest thing you can do to start your self-accountability?

How do you feel? Strong and set in the new habit? Not as good as when you started but still in the game? OR about to quit?

Let Nick to the Plus help you at any of these levels. I want to help you be successful, find meaning and fulfillment in your LIFE resolutions.

Let’s go get it!