Good Day Awesome People!
Are we really Living in a Matrix?
Fair waring the below is deep and heavy but needs to be said and shared. We are in times of crisis and need to be prepared for change, change in society, change in self, change in thinking, change in everything we know!
Last week I talked about the Laws of Nature and the “unlaws” that really seem to control our lives… I get into this a bit deeper.
Above video and podcast are the same recording, but if you want to listen in your car you can on the pod.
Are we really living in a Matrix?
Over the past two years, well really the past decade, I have been doing a lot of soul searching. I went through divorce, losing my kids, losing my job, recovery, relationships, then building back my live to the PLUS!
More specifically I have been doing a lot of writing over the past two years or so. I went through an exercise call Self Authoring, check it out.
Through this process of writing, I learned a ton about myself, my past, how it has affected me and a plan to move forward. It was a life changing experience and continues with practice…
Two of the main learnings I walked away with was-
That I learn and think differently than I was taught in school
and that a feeling I have had all my life is valid- that the world we live in is not what it is suppose to be…
What the past two+ years has really shown us is how broken our systems are and how they have controlled our lives.
It seems the more we get into our current “crisis” these systems are trying to control us even more in panic and breaking even faster…
The systems-
The sick care system that has broken the Hippocratic oath
The financial/ credit or debt system, the average person is in $20k+ debt
The Social Media or “Social Dilemma”, if you have not watched this movie…
The main stream media, they are called “programs” for a reason
The criminal or “correctional’ system that isn’t correctional
The labor system that locks everyone into a “Job” vs living your purpose
The supply chain that disconnects us from knowing where our food comes from and locks us into convenience and materialism
Our infrastructure…
All these systems are failing us in some way and speeding up in their failure at a dangerous level…
I send out these emails and try to share on social media sites and have been censored, canceled, shadow banned… After predicting most of what has happened over the past two year, that should give me credibility. But it seems like the more that comes true the more we are suppressed…
Get back to and learn who the individual you are. You as an individual is the key. We are all lights of energy and are all unique and all have something to give this world.
Ask, is who you are right now fully serving that purpose? Or are you who have been told what is your path?
Find who you are but really get deep, deep in thought and deep into self. Check out the write your thoughts, write about your self, write to re-meet your true self…Find out what you were really supposed to do, not what they told you were supposed to do.
Reconnect to your true self, find your passion and reconnect to that passion. Believe in yourself, don’t be afraid, go into uncharted waters of yourself. Reach your full potential and purpose!
Reconnect, in person, to your community. What is your community? Is your community where you live, or a community common with what you think or who supports your thinking?
Reconnect to the earth and food and nutrition. Food is thy medicine and we have been made to be dependent on manufactured food and convivence.
Help others through the above process, to build community and support… Through crowd sourcing, freedom of information and resources, we as a people will overcome all challenges! By LIVING TO THE PLUS!
If you choose to Live to the PLUS, I am here. Nick+