Am I just lucky?
The last time I was deathly ill was in 1999 in College Station, TX. I was living alone and as I recall, this was the last time I took the flu shot…
Other than that, I have had days where I feel off or times I need to just crash for 12-14 hours and then good as new. I don’t even have allergies that bad or often.
Am I just lucky?
For the past ten years at least I have been taking my Juice Plus. Not always super consistent and regularly but for the most part I feel that has been an assurance. But also try to be aware of getting enough fruits and veggies, lots of color in my diet.
I don’t drink a lot of soda, a lot of sugary things or processed foods. I try to hydrate as much as I can, just the good ole H2O.
I deal with stress as much as the next guy, but feel I am aware of when I am stressed and have different copping mechanisms. Breathing, meditating, letting go, praying…
Getting outside and in different environments I feel is a contributor to good health and well being.
There are times I don’t get enough rest but then after going for days and weeks hard, my body tells me and I’ll crash and get rest.
Then there is just plain genetics and getting enough activity and exercise in your routine.
People around me get sick and I keep on trucking…
Am I just lucky?
I am not sure, but I wish, during these times, they would have spent more time on specifics on special populations. Why do these people get sick and why do these people not get sick. I might have missed it but it seems just these observations and sharing of information would have not cause such a lengthy and dramatic affair over these past two years.
My advise has been the same the whole time-
Know your health, know your numbers. Get a physical and blood work to know your nutritional deficiencies and toxins.
Get nutritional advise on how to correct those deficiencies and remove toxins.
Be aware and practice most of the above mentioned- eat a whole food colorful diet, minimize sugar and processed foods, hydrate, minimize stress, get outside and in different environments to build your microbiome, get rest, be active, be positive and LIVE TO THE PLUS!